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 Action Replay isn't working.. help!!

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3 posters

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2007-07-16

Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Empty
PostSubject: Action Replay isn't working.. help!!   Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 16, 2007 4:31 pm

I've had this AR DS for about two months. I have been taking very good care of it (seriously it has it's own little house that I made out of an empty cracker box that has a scarf that my grama made for me in it..). But one day, I go and put the AR in the DS and turn the DS on. But I notice that the DS does not read the AR. I turn the DS off and turn it back on again, still doesn't read the AR. I turn the DS off, take the AR out, and make sure that it's clean and there's no dust. Try again, still doesn't read. A week later I try again, STILL doesn't read! So I go over to my cousin's house and try the AR on her DS, just to make sure that it's not just my DS. Her DS doesn't even read the Action Replay. What should I do?!

Sorry, but I really want to post the specs about my AR's house here!
It's made out of an empty cracker box. I cut a hole in the top to make a door. I put a scarf that my grama made for me inside the box for a bed, and then I stole my sister's little teddy bear (she never plays with it anymore anyways) for a pillow. I know that might sound like something an eight year old would do, but I was very excited when I got my AR that I just had to make a house for it..!
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Number of posts : 64
Age : 31
Localisation : USA, NY
Registration date : 2007-07-07

Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Action Replay isn't working.. help!!   Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 16, 2007 4:39 pm

This is exactly why I don't buy AR. A waste of 25 bucks. I don't know what the problem is, but I know a lot of people have the same problem.
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Espeon Dude
Espeon Dude

Number of posts : 134
Registration date : 2007-07-08

Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Action Replay isn't working.. help!!   Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 16, 2007 5:43 pm

DragonGamer wins the thread.

Action Replay = waste of money... I honestly find it more enjoyable to train your stuff then just use PokéSav and that bullshit.
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Number of posts : 64
Age : 31
Localisation : USA, NY
Registration date : 2007-07-07

Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Action Replay isn't working.. help!!   Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 16, 2007 5:52 pm

Quote :
DragonGamer wins the thread.

-_- I'm not DG
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Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Action Replay isn't working.. help!!   Action Replay isn't working.. help!! Icon_minitime

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